Zara: How to save money when shopping at Zara
Zara is a famous Spanish fast fashion retail shop which offers affordable items that have a luxury look. And you can make the affordable dirt cheap if you follow these simple hacks.
Subscribe to the newsletter
Only the subscribers are told when the next big sale is being held. They tell their subscribers a day before. Don’t try to ask their employees as they keep mum about it. So if you want to be in the know, make sure you sign up for their newsletter. Don’t worry about being inundated with emails from them. They only send weekly updates.
Wait for the big one
Each retail shop has its own schedule when it comes to holding huge sales. For Zara, it is usually before June and before December. Out of season items are marked down up to 75%. Discounts and sales are a huge thing for Zara.
Monday shopping
Monday may not be a happy day for most but it is a good day to shop at Zara, online and in stores. They restock every Monday so you get the hot goodies to yourself if you visit the store on Mondays.
Grab those leather items
While most leather items can be quite pricey, not so with Zara. they offer leather goods like bags, jackets, and shoes that use genuine leather and they won’t break the bank. And the price difference from faux leather is not that big so best to invest on the real thing instead.
Find that unicorn piece
Some Zara lovers are not even aware about this. If you do find an item that you love but is out of stock or you are not sure about the size, use the “find in store” feature on their website. Just simply look for that item you want, enter the size and your zip code. They will do the rest and let you know which store carries the item.
Score classic pieces
While Zara specializes in hot fashion trends, it is also offers timeless pieces like leather jackets, jeans, basic tees, and winter coats. What’s great about it is that these pieces won’t cost you an arm and a leg. So don’t just go to Zara to buy the hottest fashion trend but get classic pieces as well.