Sites like woot – Five Best Online Deal Stores like Woot
Whenever we go shopping, we are always on the lookout for those that offer the best prices and the best deals. Sites like woot provide that service for us. And when we mean “best,” the cheapest ever that would allow us to save a few more bucks. At the same time, the items with these “best” prices are of good if not superior quality. Naturally, the first store like woot that would come to mind is E-Bay, the online auction site but has somehow become an online bargain store of sorts. Here are five other bargain websites considered the best and cheaper than e-bay and Woot
Ben’s Bargains
Up and running for 15 years (and counting), this online shop boasts of being your one-stop (online) shop for the best deals you will ever find anywhere. The website is continuously updated showing fresh handpicked deals. Customers are encouraged to browse early for the best picks. They offer a wide range of items for sale. You name it, they probably got it, from computers to sneakers. They even have a Black Friday page and as the name suggests, they offer items at Black Friday prices, only without long queues and mad rushes. To be a members, you need to register then log in every time you visit the site.
DealNews (www.dealnews.com)
Founded in 1997, what makes this site unique is they are a comparison shopping website. As the name suggests, they compare items’ prices they have to the same ones offered elsewhere to allow customers to make informed choices. They promise customers they will get the lowest price of certain products available from reputable companies. Every year, they publish a Black Friday report which serves to inform customers of potential deals they can take advantage when that day arrives. They have developed such a reputation they have earned several accolades such as “Top 10 Black Friday Sites List,” “Best Retail Deals Coupon Sites,” and “100 Best Products of 2006 List” to name a few.
DealsPlus (www.dealsplus.com)
Launched in 2006, DealsPlus serves to make shopping easy for customers, allowing them to find the best and share the best deals and coupons without the usual hassle of going to a physical store. They boast of being an online community for bargain hunters. These bargain seekers use the site to search, share, comment and of course buy stuff at affordable prices. Customers can customize their search and subscribe to e-mail alerts to be up-to-date on the latest deals.
SlickDeals (www.slickdeals.net)
This site is the largest deal-sharing community in the web. Here, customers can discover, rate, share and shop for sought-after items without the hassle of going to a physical store. Customers are encourages to sign up as members (follow the usual procedures). As members, they can find and share deals and coupons. They can vote and share feedback that may be informative to those looking for the best deals. Editors curate the page, making sure you get to see the best offers you will ever find anywhere based on votes and feedback.
RetailMeNot (www.retailmenot.com)
Started in 2006, RetailMeNot boasts of being the leader in savings by maintaining a collection of coupon web sites. The traditional practice of shoppers is to collect coupons from newspapers and magazines for them to use in supermarkets to save on money. RetailMeNot does the same though online. They also own VoucherCodes.co.uk. They aggregate coupon offers, and make them accessible to customers. These coupons are then distributed in various retail categories. Quite similar to woot. Whereas physical coupons may apply only to foodstuffs, these online coupons allow you to buy just about anything offered from automotive products to tickets for travel.